Talent Testimonials
Model & Talent Management
Christopher McPhail
Signing with Avanti Model and Talent Management was one of the best decisions I ever made. I found myself forcefully retired at an early age and with not many options. I was really just existing... then I found Avanti and thought I would see what happened.
I was really just looking to occupy myself and instead found myself surrounded by like minded creative people who taught me so much more than just modeling and acting. They gave me new purpose. The friendships I have made, the lessons I have experienced, and the skills I have added to to my life are priceless. I can't wait to see what my future holds. Regardless of what happens I know that I wouldn't even be in a position to Dream this big if it wasn't for this program. Take the leap and join Avanti. I promise you that it will be one of the best investments in your life, of your life.
Deep Brar
I want to thank Jennifer, Bridget, Charity, and everybody else who helped me prepare for this amazing showcase, and the journey hereafter. Every moment of the showcase was a great experience, whether it was the rehearsals, backstage, or actual showcase on the stage. I actually missed coming to the practice and all the good time I had with friends I made during this time, once it was over. However, I feel really confident now to go out and do whatever opportunity I am presented to take my career to the next level. You guys showed me the right path, and I will make sure I make best of everything I have learned from the Avanti Showcase. I will never forget the showcase and wonderful people I got the chance to meet and spend time with.
Ryan Thedford
I want to thank Jennifer for giving me the opportunity to be in the showcase. It was an amazing experience working with Avanti and learning from great teachers about the acting and modeling industry. It is very awesome that I am going to be competing against other actors to be in a movie. I enjoy competition, which is why I used to play and compete in sports. During Avanti I was able to make friends with people who I never knew I would be friends with. To me having relationships is a good thing, especially in this business. I hope that I will cross paths with the people I’ve met at Avanti again sometime soon.
Cherylita Vickers
Being part of Avanti has truly awakened the artist in me. My desire to work in film and theater has grown to a high level of momentum. I must say it was all in the preparation. Attending the workshops and the rehearsals were key reasons things went so well for me. Avanti staff worked hard and encouraged the students to work hard and it paid off. Take what you want to achieve seriously, listen to those that can prepare you for the industry and believe in yourself. Thank you Avanti staff for being there every step of the way.
Fayth Farmer
Fayth, her father and I would like to say thank you to Jennifer, Bridget, and the rest of the Avanti staff. The confidence Fayth has gained through this experience is worth more than any amount of money could buy. I can't begin to put into words how much the confidence she has gained means to us. Although, the Avanti journey has come to an end, doors have opened for Fayth allowing her to begin a new journey in life. And we owe it all to the Avanti showcase and the Avanti staff. Thank you so much for believing in Fayth and giving her this opportunity to grow into the young lady she has become.
Brittany Davis
Thank you so much Avanti! I have learned so much from the rehearsals while meeting wonderful people. The show was absolutely beautiful, and I thank everybody who had a hand in making it happen. I have gained so much self-confidence through this and have learned so many new skills. Thank you for believing in me from the beginning. I will always be grateful for the opportunity Avanti has given me. I will be signing with Carolina Talent and I am so excited to see what is in store for me.
Salla Jallow
Thanks for selecting Salla for the showcase and for believing in her. You have put so much hard work in guiding her. Without you she wouldn't be at this stage of her journey today. You inspired and made her better in just about every training day. Your motivation to train Salla and get her exactly where she wants to be in the least possible time. It was just amazing how you were willing to work with and give her credit for when she was successful. Thanks to a staff who is just fantastic. We appreciate all your endless support and help. Again, thank you.
Alyssa Alfaro
This is Mary, Alyssa Alfaro mother. We have enjoyed everything. Everyone has been so nice, caring, informative, and encouraging. We greatly appreciate everything you have done for her. Alyssa and I enjoyed the Avanti show and so did my family and some of her friends. All of you have been very helpful in taking care of my child's needs and interests. None of you will be forgotten. Because of you she shows interest in acting also. Wow, I could not believe that. But that is something she wants to do to. Thank you, again for everything.
Stephen Bottoms
Avanti spring showcase was a great way to show off my skills in acting, modeling, and performing. It gave me the chance to experience a lead role and really challenge myself to see what I am capable of in terms of a large performance. I will never forget the friendships I made along the way and the fun I had rehearsing and preparing for the big day. Jennifer did a great job with choreography and being involved the entire time and making sure we were reaching our potential. I now have signed with Elite Miami Men and could not be more excited to start this new chapter in my life.
Jordan Helfen
First I would like to thank the entire team at Avanti for their tireless work with not only myself, but every individual that was part of the amazing showcase in May. To manage all the moving parts in a production such as this takes a lot of teamwork and organization. It was definitely on display with every member of your team. I appreciate the Avanti team for thinking enough of me to have me be part of this show. This was definitely a unique experience for a guy turning 40 this year, and that was the reason for my doing this. Life is too short to not try new things and get outside your comfort zone. Walking a runway was definitely something I never thought I'd do and now I can say I've done that. And there is video to prove it. I also enjoyed meeting a lot of my fellow Avanti showcase members and hope to stay in touch with these talented individuals as they proceed in their careers. I have signed with both Marilyn's in Greensboro and Presence in Atlanta and believe that both are excellent fits for what I am looking to do in this part of my life. I wish you, the rest of the Avanti team, and everyone that was part of the showcase the best of luck and I hope to stay in touch with as many of you as I can as this was a fun, exciting, and unique experience that I will never forget. Thank you again!
Nick Del Corral
I would like to thank Jennifer and everyone at Avanti for giving me the opportunity to participate in the AVANTI Spring showcase. The instructions and support I received were very valuable in preparing me for the showcase. This experience improved my self-confidence and allowed me to develop many friendships with the other participants. I am so glad I got to work with so many wonderful people and learn so many new things. I received 10 callbacks as a result of the showcase and have decided to sign with Directions USA. Once again, much love to all the people in Avanti!!!
Adam Oakes
My experience with Avanti has been phenomenal. I always enjoyed the commitment and leadership of the staff at Avanti. I am going to miss Bridget and Jennifer as well as the guest mentors that have come through to assist us along the way. There is nothing like maintaining a professional demeanor and business mindset while having fun at the same time, and this is exactly how I felt when preparing for the Spring show. I have learned so much along the way, starting from scratch and now having the confidence and knowledge to flourish in this industry. I hope to work with you again one day!
Rodney Sullivan
The Avanti Showcase was one of the most exciting things I have ever done in my life. If someone would have told me that one day I would be on stage in front of an audience, I would have said they’re crazy. If I could do it again, I would in a heartbeat. It was a lot of work preparing for the showcase, but it was fun as well. Even though I didn’t really know anything about this at first, I soon learned a great deal. I met some great people that turned into some great friends. I truly want to thank Jennifer for the opportunity she gave me. You have given me and showed me something new in my life that I didn’t think was possible. You’re an amazing person and your love and passion for what you do shines in the talent around you. Thank you for all the guidance and patience. Bridget, thanks for the encouraging words you gave me at every practice and during the show. The Avanti staff is one heck of a team and very professional at what they do. It’s through all of you that I have now signed with the Jana VanDyke Agency out of Atlanta. I can’t wait to see what opportunity lies ahead for me. Each of you have been a blessing to me. Jennifer and the entire Avanti staff will always be with me through this journey. Thank you all.
Breannah Waller
I would like to thank the entire Avanti family for giving me this opportunity. Being in the Avanti Spring Showcase has truly changed my life. Being featured in the showcase opened up opportunities for me that I thought would never happen. It allowed me to be seen by many agents and through all that I received many callbacks. I am in the processing of signing with an agent and looking forward to starting my new modeling/acting career.
Immaculate Kosgei
I would like to thank you for all you have done for me through the Avanti Spring Showcase. I would also like to thank all your team that helped to make the event successful. The showcase opened my eyes to see what else is out there for me. Furthermore, it gave me the confidence to believe in myself. I hope this showcase keep doing what it does for all young upcoming talents and models who are trying to make their way up. As we all know, ‘Rome wasn’t build in one day’ and this journey will take time. I believe that this is just a beginning for me and that it will take many sacrifices and disappointments along the way but I’m determined to keep my head up and push past my discomfort zone. Finally, I would like to let you know that I will keep in touch to let you know how everything is going with the new agency I signed with. May God bless the work of your hands. Thank you again for helping me believe in myself and be where I am today.
Donald Chen
Surprise! Wow! Unprecedented! These are the top three words that I would use to describe my experience from day one. Huge thank you to Jennifer, Bridget, Lisa, Max, and the entire Avanti Model and Talent Management staff for seeing the potential in me that I still question today. The staff and the Avanti showcase were the catalyst that gave me all the knowledge, guidance, and opportunities to enter this industry prepared and with an advantage. I am launching, full force into this industry by coordinating and signing with three agencies across the east coast. If I only have one piece of advice to leave, it would be this: “Never do anything half-heartedly. Approach everything you do with full confidence and learn from criticism. I am a prime example of anything is possible.”
Thank you again for the amazing experiences and now this fantastic opportunity.
Esther Enamorado
Me and my family would like to express our immense gratitude to all of you, to the Avanti team for the great job that you did making my daughter Esther Enamorado's dream come true! When we received the invitation for Esther to be part of the Avanti fall Showcase, I did not hesitate to make the decision. My daughter, a nine-year-old, assumed it as a commitment with a lot of enthusiasm and dedication from the very first rehearsal to the last, and when the showcase day arrived she just wanted to show what she had learned. She did a great job! We couldn’t be prouder of her! Esther was rewarded with nine agents call backs!! We’re just amazed and thankful! The experience with Avanti went beyond our expectations, knowing that many casting agents are willing to represent her in her career as a professional model and actress. We are proud of her and more than grateful to you because of this great opportunity. Esther will now be officially represented by Jana VanDyke Agency. We are sure that many doors will be open for her in the future.
Rachel Quinn
Hi! My name is Rachel Quinn and I would like to thank all of the Avanti crew for all they have done for me. From the bottom of my heart it has been a life changing experience and an amazing one at that. Avanti has taught me so much and I am incredibly grateful. The Avanti showcase was an awesome opportunity that I am so glad I got to be a part of. Everyone who was in it practiced and worked so hard, but we never forgot to have fun! Once again a huge thank you to Avanti, it has been wonderful and an unforgettable journey.
Jillian Quinn
Avanti was an extraordinary experience. An experience I would gladly do again. I want to give a huge thank you to Jennifer and the staff of Avanti. They have given me more knowledge and guidance I could ever ask for. They have sculpted me in so many ways to become the greatest I can be. I will admit the day of the showcase I was so nervous, but with their support I managed to make it through the whole day. After it was all over, I missed it immediately. Completing Avanti made me proud of myself. Seeing how much I progressed and seeing how all the hard work and rehearsals turned out was amazing. I just want to thank Avanti for giving me the opportunity of a lifetime.
Tamia Mills
Tamia is signing with Funny Faces in New York City. We are super excited about this amazing opportunity. We give God all the Glory and Praise along with Jennifer and the entire team. Thank you for preparing Tamia for this moment. We will be sending you a picture of Tamia to put on your board, stating the company or brand she is modeling for. Tamia’s experience with Avanti was amazing. It’s been over a year, and she still talks about how it was the best show ever. Again, thank you for everything. By Faith We Believe , We Receive in Jesus Name. The Best Is Yet To Come!!! Sincerely, Tammy Mills
Stephanie Wang
I have decided to sign with Talent One. Avanti was such an incredible experience for me! I met the greatest people who were as passionate about acting and modeling as I am, and we also received high quality coaching. Preparing for the showcase took a lot of practice, but it all paid off in the end. Even though everyone worked really hard, it was still SO much fun and a great environment to be in if you’re serious about taking your career to the next level. Thank you Jennifer for giving me this wonderful opportunity!
Noah Starek
We would like to thank Jennifer and the staff that assisted with the Spring Avanti Showcase. Noah had a fantastic time preparing for the show and he enjoyed the weekend so very much. He received 9 callbacks and we have finally picked one and signed with an agent. He is so excited to continue this
journey with The Brock Agency and he wouldn't have had the opportunity without all of you. Thanks again for everything and we will keep you posted on Noah's success!
Cassie Sawyer
I signed with Maultsby Talent Agency to further my modeling resume and continue to do something I love. As for my time with Avanti Model and Talent Management I grew not only as a model but also as a person to. The advantages that the showcase gave me were unbelievable and there is no way I could’ve done what I did by myself because Avanti is more of family than anything. I would like to thank everyone from the Avanti team because without y’all I wouldn’t be the person or model that I am today.
Christian Galliera
I want to thank Avanti for an amazing and life changing experience. I want to thank everyone for all the help I received in preparing for my showcase. I honestly believe if it wasn't for Avanti, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I've gained so much more confidence. I had 9 callbacks from the showcase, and I just recently signed with Tout Talent! My passion and dedication will continue to drive me! The sky is the limit!! A special thank you to Jennifer for believing in me and making this possible!
Nikolina Larochelle
First, I would like to thank Jennifer and the Avanti staff for giving me the opportunity of a lifetime. I have made many great friends and got to meet so many wonderful people. During the audition, I was shy and nervous, but working with members of the Avanti staff has helped me find my confidence and get over my nervousness. I learned a lot from the workshops, and even though the rehearsals were demanding, I had a great time and left with lots of great memories and experience. I enjoyed working with Andre and Maxann, I was happy to meet them as well as learn from them. At the final event, The Avanti Fall Showcase, I was able to show agents from all over the country everything I had learned and had a great time doing it. Because of the showcase, I have signed a contract with Maultsby. I can't wait till I start working with them and continue the next chapter of my modeling journey. I can't not thank the Avanti Team enough for everything they have done for me and my future. Thank you so much Jennifer.
Gabrielle Harris
The Fall showcase was an amazing experience that I will never forget. The Avanti staff was very helpful and made me feel very confident and polished. I met some phenomenal people along the way and wish them all success. I'm thrilled to have signed with the Actors Agency and Marilyn's! I would like to thank Jennifer for this opportunity and the amazing Avanti staff for all that they've done. None of this would have been possible without them! I'm eager to see what the future holds and know the experience I've gained will always be a great life tool. This is only the beginning of my journey. Thanks!
Savannah Ward
I am excited to continue my modeling career with Directions, USA, and I could not have made it this far without the help and advice from Avanti. When I began modeling, I was very nervous and pretty unsure of what I was doing! After meeting with Avanti and discussing what Avanti could do for me, and after signing a contract the same year, I knew I had made the right decision. High school was very difficult for me and can be a really hard time for many girls; however, modeling gave me the encouragement that I needed and helped me become significantly more confident. Alecia was so helpful when teaching me different techniques for walking and explaining the do's and don'ts of a shoot or job, while Jennifer constantly stood behind me, pushing me and making sure every move I made was beneficial to my career and success as a model. Through this whole process, Jennifer's knowledge of the business and her previous experience as a successful model allowed her to give me advice that fit who I was as a person and where I wanted to go in the industry. Words cannot express how thankful I am for my time spent with Avanti, and I will forever be in their debt!
Jordan Graham
Avanti has been AWESOME and FUN! Thank you for recognizing my talent and helping me polish my skills to move to the next level. All the staff has been wonderful. You opened my eyes to a completely different side of acting and changed how I approach it. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and say you all are truly ONE OF A KIND!!! I met great people and learned irreplaceable tools to better myself as an actor and model. I received callbacks from almost all the agents. I eventually signed with Tout Talent. Carla is AWESOME!!! I have auditions pretty much every week! Most of the time, several times a week! I recently had several Disney auditions for several television series!!! God willing, you will see me on TV soon! Thanks again Avanti….
Madison Jones
I would like to give a special thanks to Jennifer, Bridget, and Gray for the life changing experience given to my daughter and I through Avanti. This family of professionals put in a lot of hard work in helping to shape Madison into the actress/model she has always dreamed of being. They never got impatient with Madison or I and did not mind answering the many questions I had whether it was via email, text, or in person. They demanded that Madison put her best foot forward, and helped to develop a determined, self-motivated and hardworking little girl, who now has the confidence and knowledge to pursue her dreams in advancing her own career. Madison has since then signed with an agency and has so far been used in the movie ‘Bolden’. I would just like to say that even if Madison had not signed with an agency, the level of professionalism and training she has obtained through Avanti has prepared her for life experiences needed as she embarks on her journey. Thanks so much to the Avanti family for their support, guidance, and level of commitment.
Dante Sabella
Many thanks to the Avanti crew!
Being a part of this production has taught me a great deal. I have always had the desire to work on stage and in TV/Film. All of my cast mates and I rocked our Avanti Spring Showcase. I was so proud to be a part of it. I have signed a TV/Film contract with Marilyn's Talent Agency and I am excited to get to work on my next project! Thank you truly for all your help!
Curtis Glenn
I am honored and grateful to have worked with such an elite group at Avanti. The acting skills that laid dormant within me have been awaking and are alive. Many thanks to you Jennifer, and the entire staff for Avanti. You have imparted wisdom and inspiration in me that will propel me into the passion I have for acting I look forward to my new adventure with Kidzact & Actors Agency (just signed), but I will never forget the great family I have at Avanti. Thanks again to everyone that I worked with in Avanti. Yes indeed!
Ally Holder
I want to thank you, as well as everyone involved, for this incredible opportunity to pursue my career in the talent industry. The Avanti Showcase taught me many things and helped me become more confident in myself. I have learned independence, proper etiquette, communication skills, and much more through this event. I have always wanted to be an actress but never knew where to begin. It wasn't until I found this program that I began to realize I was really on my way to achieving my goal. Of course, there is still much to do and my work is never really going to be done, but I will always remember Avanti and continue to grow.
Jennifer Mlakar
Avanti has provided me with a great foundation to start my acting and modeling career. They taught me with the do’s and don'ts of the industry. I have learned from all the instructors experience and industry knowledge. I can't thank Avanti enough for providing me with the tools to achieve my dreams.
Ondria Hardin
What an AMAZING showcase. Going to rehearsal was hard work but fun. I learned something new each and every time I walked into Avanti. I will always remember everything I learned along the way. Thanks again to the entire Avanti team. The showcase was an AWESOME experience. Thanks Avanti for showing me the proper way to achieve a dream come true. I have, with the advice and guidance of Jennifer, signed an exclusive contract with ELITE NEW YORK! I can’t wait to go to NYC!!!
Casey Goodwin
Thank you so much for all you have done in helping make my dreams come true. Avanti was an amazing opportunity for me, to be seen, meet some really great people and receive a lot of tips along the way! Avanti has opened so many doors for my career as a model. Sometimes I even have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. Soon after the Avanti showcase I received 9 callbacks. One of the callbacks that I received was from New York Models, who I am in the process of signing with and will soon be heading to Asia this summer! Thanks again everyone, for giving me this great opportunity for my future.
BJ Brit
Working with Avanti has been a great learning experience. Everyone has been so fun to work with and great to be around. Since signing with Avanti, through Jennifer I have received various opportunities to nurture my upcoming success. I have been honored in having the lead role in several films and am moving to LA to continue my dream of being an actor. Thank you Avanti for everything!
Sanai James
Collaborating with Avanti has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for Sanai. As a parent, you think your child is a “Shining Star”, but it’s a totally different thing when others feel the same way! I am truly thankful for your dedication and patience in working with Sanai. You have pointed her in the right direction and exposed her to the right people. Kudos to everyone at Avanti for making the show a HUGE HIT!
Breanna Chavez
Dearest Ms. Jennifer,
I just wanted to write a note of thanks to you and the entire JC/MTM/Avanti Family!!! Every moment from the night we received the call inviting Breanna to audition (Nov/2014)...to just a few moments ago (Jan/2016) when I was writing you to tell you that Breanna was going to sign with her first agent, has been filled with a plethora of potential opportunities and excitement in Breanna's journey through life because of the care, support, and guidance received from you and the JC/MTM/Avanti Family. We've literally learned so much and gone farther than we would've expected to go and considering she just turned 9, it's exciting to know this is just the beginning! We're learning that being part of the JC/MTM/Avanti Family has helped shape a solid foundation for Breanna on which she can build and continue to grow. Hopefully, we can continue to represent and make you proud!
Cherylita Vickers
Being part of Avanti has truly awakened the artist in me. My desire to work in film and theater has grown to a high level of momentum. I must say it was all in the preparation. Attending the workshops and the rehearsals were key reasons things went so well for me. Avanti staff worked hard and encouraged the students to work hard and it paid off. Take what you want to achieve seriously, listen to those that can prepare you for the industry and believe in yourself. Thank you Avanti staff for being there every step of the way.
Jackson Marshall
Thank you for giving Jackson the opportunity to be a part of the Avanti Fall 2015 Showcase and for all the hard work you put into designing and producing the show. Jackson learned so much during rehearsals and always looked forward to going. We appreciate your professionalism and encouragement as he prepared for the big day; it was a beautiful and stunning show. Jackson had an absolute blast and would happily do it all over to get that thrill again.
Because of the support of you and your team, specifically, Bridget, Gary, Gray, and Cheryl, Jackson in on the next stage of his modeling and acting journey.
We will always be grateful to your team and we wish you continued success is all your endeavors.
Allissa Broxton
I want to say thank you so very much! From Casablancas to the Avanti Showcase you have been there every step of the way. We just received Allissa's photos and I sent out the callback emails. This has been a truly amazing experience. The showcase was beautiful! I was so proud of my daughter and all that she has learned from Gary and all the amazing people that helped and guided her along the way. You are a very talented and amazing woman Mrs. Durazzo. Looking forward to the next experience.
Have a truly blessed day,
Jackie and Allissa
Alec Sczepanski
Thank you everyone who helped with the Avanti Showcase. It was an Amazing opportunity and I will remember the experience forever. The skills I learned through practicing the choreography and attending the workshops will help throughout my career. One of the best things about the showcase was the positive attitudes from everyone, that kept everything fun and motivating. Thanks to the amazing crew of Avanti I get to sign with Directions USA and could not be more thankful and excited.
Madison Jones
I would like to give a special thanks to Jennifer Durazzo, Cheryl Quick, Bridget O'Brian, Pat Quick, and Gray O'Neal for the life changing experience given to my daughter and I through Avanti. This family of professionals put in a lot of hard work in helping to shape Madison into the actress/model she has always dreamed of being. They never got impatient with me or Madison, and did not mind answering the many questions I had whether it was via email, text, or in person. They demanded that Madison put her best foot forward, and helped to develop a determined, self-motivated and hardworking little girl, who now has the confidence and knowledge to pursue her dreams in advancing her own career. Madison has since then signed with an agency and has so far been used in the movie "Bolden". I would just like to say that even if Madison had not signed with an agency, the level of professionalism and training she has obtained through Avanti has prepared her for life experiences needed as she embarks on her journey. Thanks so much to the Avanti family for their support, guidance, and level of commitment.
Cody Beamer
My experience with Avanti has been absolutely amazing. So initially I would like to talk about all of the self-improvements that this agency and the training center have both helped me with and then get to the other skills and improvements. Before this journey, I had major problems socializing and huge confidence issues. To help you understand how severe these problems were, let me provide an example for you. When I was a sophomore I had to wear two shirts to every date and social gathering I was a part of. The reasoning behind it was because I would be so nervous around people that I would sweat straight through the first one. If someone my age came up and talked to me I would shake. After I got involved with John Casablancas and Avanti I transformed. I became confident, I became social, and I also gained about an inch in height just from fixing my posture. These improvements have helped me, and will help me for the rest of my life. This of course was not all that I learned from John Casablancas and Avanti. From their classes and guidance, I know how to submit for jobs, how to keep a resume, how to walk the runway, how to write a monologue, how to eat properly, how to perform monologues and commercials, and so many more skills that I will be putting to use constantly in this industry. I have had a life altering experience with Jennifer and her staff and I can’t thank them enough for all that they have done for me. I am forever changed for the better thanks to Avanti and John Casablancas.
Douglas Dillon
Thank you for everything you have done for me. Through Avanti I have learned a great deal on what it is like working in this industry. I am so excited that I have gotten to sign with Aim Model Management in NYC. You have taught me so much and I am grateful for that! I cannot wait to see where the journey ahead will take me! Thanks again!
Amanda Bruce
Thank you for the opportunity you have given me to work with Avanti Model and Talent Management. Thank you also for the time and effort you committed to me in increasing my runway, talent and marketing skills.
I feel I benefitted from the overall knowledge of the entertainment business. I value the learning experience Avanti Model and Talent Management has given to me that I will carry throughout my career and life.
I would like to thank you again for having me a part of the Avanti Model and Talent Management Family.
Christina Gray
Avanti was such an amazing experience! I learned so much and had a lot of fun. I gained a lot of confidence from being in Avanti. I would have never imagined myself signing with an agency and getting into the modeling world. The showcase was so much fun and something I will never forget. I am so excited to start my modeling career and it’s all because of Avanti. Thank you so much to the whole Avanti team, this is truly a dream come true!
Nathan Oakley
I would like to thank you for this amazing adventure that you allowed me to be a part of. It was the best time of my life. Meeting new people, interacting with different agencies, they will live on in my memories forever. But I will never, and can’t ever forget the amazing people that gave me that opportunity to show my talent to all those people. I know very few people are granted with an opportunity like that and I knew I deserved a shot at it but you saw something else in me. You saw so much potential in me, and no matter how hard it got you wouldn’t let me give up because you saw that potential to make it to the top that I didn’t see at that time but I see it now and all I can say is thank you. From the bottom of my heart and the hearts of my family and from the hearts of my whole town we say thank you for everything.
Tron Vaughn
I would first like to give special thanks to everyone that has helped me in this journey. It means so much to me that you would even consider helping me. I also would like to thank all the Avanti staff. The Avanti showcase experience has been one that I will never forget. I had the opportunity to meet and befriend great people, and take the next step in my career. Special thanks to Jennifer for making this opportunity possible for all of the aspiring models and actors. I look forward to great things in the future. Thanks again to everyone for this amazing opportunity!
Banely Rosado
I feel I benefitted from the overall knowledge of the entertainment business. I value the learning experience Avanti Model and Talent Management has given to me that I will carry throughout my career and life.
I would like to thank you again for having me a part of the Avanti Model and Talent Management Family.
Meg Knoerzer
I would like to thank Jennifer and all of the Avanti staff for allowing me the opportunity to participate in an amazing showcase! Avanti not only opened many doors for me, but gave me the confidence I never knew I had. Going to rehearsal could be hard work at times, but always so much fun! A year ago I would have never imagined I would be in the position I am now! I am currently in the process of signing with Maultsby Model and Talent! Once again, I cannot thank Jennifer and the Avanti staff enough for allowing me the opportunity to participate in such an amazing showcase!
Aiden Buck
From the first day I met you and the staff at MTM I knew that I was in the perfect place to begin the training I needed to become an actor or model. You believed in me and inspired me to dream big and work hard. The Spring Avanti Showcase was an awesome opportunity for me. It gave me the experience I needed to perform in front of hundreds of people and an opportunity to interview with agents and directors in the modeling and acting business. I couldn’t have done this on my own. You taught me to be a professional. I am thankful for the callbacks I received from many agencies and the interviews that followed. I have decided to sign with the Brock Agency where I will work hard to pursue my modeling and acting goals. I am so excited to begin the next steps and to practice what I learned. Thank you, Jennifer, for believing in me!
Mike Fiabema
What I found particularly distinctive with Avanti was their level of commitment. Literally every member of the staff was wholly committed to the success of the show, no matter what their individual role was. It was as if they were all driven by the same unshakable motivation; everyone present wanted to be there. This attitude of the staff trickled down to the talent and encouraged us to be equally as motivated to train hard, so as to perform at our best.
All too often, I hear warnings about how I should be wary of paying a company which promises things they cannot deliver. I was pleased to see that Avanti provided exactly what it promised. They offered training and priceless guidance to every member in the show and gave us the opportunity to perform in front of the most renowned agencies in the industry. This is an opportunity not afforded to many, and is in many ways the determining factor in the launching of a career in the acting and modeling industry. Yet another distinctive characteristic of the company was the respect that was shown not only among staff members, but towards the talent. Even little children were attentively listened to and spoken to with respect. The only thing this talent management was required to deliver was professionalism. Avanti, however, went a step beyond by providing a family-like environment. Like any family there were frustrations at times and need for censure on the part of the staff, but it was all constructive in nature and contributed to the growth of the individual talent. In all, my experience with Avanti has benefited me as an actor and a person; it is truly an experience that cannot be forgotten.
Miranda Bigart
Jennifer, Thank you so much for an opportunity of a lifetime. The training and mentorship I received from you and the Avanti staff is just the beginning. I can’t wait to apply the knowledge I have learned to achieve my goal of becoming a professional model and actress. Working with Avanti was a challenge. Practices were very hard but after such a great show, I know how rewarding a lot of hard work can be. After the showcase I received 7 callbacks. The excitement of 7 talent agencies fighting over me was very satisfying and then to choose just one of all the exclusive agencies that were there. I decided to sign with Maultsby in Wilmington. I can’t wait to move forward with my career in modeling and acting and I owe it all to Avanti.
Gary Acie
Hi, I want to thank you Mrs. Cheryl Quick, Mrs. Jennifer Durazzo, Ms. Bridget O’Brien and the entire Avanti Model and Talent Management family/staff for believing in me. I want to thank you for your extraordinary guidance, knowledge and love. Your care, your attention to detail and your expertise along with the trust you have in me has helped inspire, cultivate, and guide my career onto a perfect path. I am still a distance away from my full potential and the heights of which my career will be. Although, by far I am much closer than I would be without you or with any other team. Avanti you have given me the key to unlock my best, to excel and show-off my best in every opportunity. All of this while traveling the best possible path with your support. Avanti Model and Talent Management I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for unequivocally being the Best!
Lauryn Futrell
Dear Jennifer, my family and I would like to thank you for the opportunity for Lauryn Futrell to participate in the May 2013 Avanti Talent Showcase. The experience was truly amazing and rewarding, not just for my daughter Lauryn, but for our family. We appreciate all of the time and passion that goes into the Avanti Showcase. This was our second time attending, but the first time one of our own children was featured. It was such a thrill to see her on stage in front of some of the area’s most sought after Talent Agencies and Casting Directors. The entire process was flawless. As a result of the Avanti Showcase, we are pleased to sign Lauryn to a great agency, and we are looking forward to continuing to invest in her modeling and acting career. The JC Raleigh team was delightful to work with! As a parent, it truly makes me proud to see the results of all of the hard work that went into the training and classes. We look forward to seeing you and keeping you all posted on Lauryn’s success!
Latishia Futrell
Maria Rincon
When I first walked into the auditions I was nervous, better said beyond nervous! I did not know anyone there. But on the day of the show I walked out differently, I had more confidence to speak my head was ready for more advice and I was wanting to go back and do it all over again! I made new friends who help my nervousness go away and I had many amazing teachers who helped me improve and polish my monologue and runway. My experience was life changing and I would be willing to do it again soon! Thank you for the amazing opportunity to be in Avanti, I was and currently am with my callbacks!
Sally Hessnice
Thank you for all the wonderful efforts and help from you and your staff. I learned so much. It was great to have advice and guidance in all the workshops which were very helpful. The showcase was such a fun experience. I love the process of working and preparing for the showcase because it gives a great way to immediately use what we learned. After the showcase I was so happy to receive many callbacks. Thanks again.
Ashley Lora Cummings
Thank you so much for everything you have done for my runway, my acting, and me. Avanti was truly an amazing experience. I loved our choreography. The people in my group were amazing. I became friends with all of them, and we have continued communicating even though the showcase is over. I learned so much from Avanti. I am also very grateful for the workshops with Andre and Maxann. Again, thank you so much. I enjoyed the experience, and I am looking forward to the next step in my career.
Jaron Fields
I thank God for everything I’ve been through with Avanti, including my new friends and future stars. I thank you, Ms. Bridget, Ms. Cheryl, Mr. Pat, Mr. Gray, and the JC staff for showing me the ropes on everything I needed to know. Thank you all so much for giving me a chance to make my dreams become a reality. Working with Avanti has opened so many doors that lead to a world that I can finally explore. After the Avanti showcase, I was looking at so many callbacks. One of the callbacks I received was from “KidzAct and the Actors Agency”; which whom I am currently in the process of signing with. I love you all and I will never forget the amount of work, guidance, and trust you put in me to be the person I am right now. May God bless you one hundred fold and keep up the good work.
Ashley Victoria Atkinson
Working with the Avanti team was great. I learned a lot from all of them and I will carry these lessons with me into my future career. And to only make things better, I had fun with everyone in my group and made a lot of friends. The Avanti Showcase was a lot of fun to work on and lot of fun to perform. Thank you to the whole staff for letting me be a part of it!
Qiana Swan
I had a great experience with Avanti. I learned important skills that have helped me with my modeling career. Everyone at Avanti is so helpful. Avanti has given me a boost into the world of modeling. All the rehearsals for the showcase were a lot of work but it was definitely worth it, since I have achieved what I wanted, to better myself as a model. As many others have said "It has been a life changer". Thanks so much for everything everyone at Avanti.
Abby Totten
Overall my experience throughout Avanti was nothing close to what I had expected, I had never pushed myself to become more than what I thought I could be. Modeling is still very new to me and I know that I have learned more about the business and industry through the showcase. It was a great opportunity that opened many doors to my future in modeling. I will definitely never forget my experience with Avanti and the people who helped me reach my goals. Thank you Jennifer and everyone else who put their time and effort into Avanti, I will always be grateful.
Sydney E. Schupp
My experience with Avanti has been an amazing time. I'm so grateful to have had such a wonderful opportunity to be able to have a second chance in this showcase. I loved working with the great staff, they were very kind and caring, but at the same time they certainly knew what they were doing. I enjoyed the sessions with Maxann and Andre, I was very happy to meet and learn from them! I always felt as if I was in good hands. I'm so happy to be able to sign with one of the fantastic agents and take another step in my career towards acting and modeling. Thank you so much for everything!
Sandy Pittenger
Jennifer, I cannot begin to thank you enough along with the entire Avanti staff for all of the support, guidance and training I received from the showcase. Just being retired and in my fifties Avanti opened doors to a new and exciting future! I am thrilled for the next phase of my career in this industry and again I have to thank all of you for this. Avanti is AWESOME! I just signed with Presence in Atlanta and Marilyn's in Greensboro. Unbelievable, but trust me I believe now.
Devon Enderle
My experience as a model at Avanti was a life changing experience. I learned so much in only a little amount of time. I learned how to properly walk like a model and the way your hips should sway opposed to walking like a boy. I also learned how to put a wonderful portfolio together. But the most important thing I learned was confidence in myself. The last showcase made me so much more confident in myself and how I present myself to people. So thank you so much Avanti, I couldn't have made here with out you.
Austin Frye
First I would like to say thank you to each one of you for all of your love and support in me and everyone else that was in this showcase. I'm so grateful, thankful, and even blessed to have an oppurtunity like this because I know alot of other people would kill to have a just one chance at this experience. For you all to be apart of this adventure with me is one thing I will never forget. This showcase was by far the most fun I've ever had in my life and I would not of wanted to do this with anybody else but Avanti. I would really like to thank Mrs. Jennifer alot because I was so scared of her when I auditioned but she welcomed me with open arms. I'm also thankful that I was able to be a big part of the show along with my fellow partners. I got along with them all so well that now we're good friends with each other. Overall I have to say this is experience with Avanti will always be in my heart. I'm going to continue to further my acting career with The Brock Agency and keep putting forth the effort to get where I want to go and I hope to contiue making Mrs. Jennifer, Ms. Bridget, Mrs. Cheryl, Mrs. Janet, Mr. Pat, Mr. Gray, the JC Staff and even Alecia proud. I love you all and thanks again for believing in me and letting me be apart of this successful showcase.
Rachel Reed
I just want to say thank you to all of the staff at Avanti for working so hard and making the Showcase look awesome. And say thank you for encouraging us and pushing us to do our best. If it wasn't for everyone there I doubt I would have overcome my shyness and to stand up on a stage and say my commercial. This was a really wonderful experience for me and I will always remember and treasure it. As well as the friends I made at Avanti.
Michael Blue
Jennifer, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for recognizing my talents, abilities and believing that I could advance and succeed in the modeling and acting industry. I also thank your staff for all their hard work and assistance, especially Bridget, Cheryl and Charity. The Avanti Showcase was so awesome and an experience I will never forget. Jennifer you were a great role model for me that kept me inspired. I will never forget all the opportunities and experiences that Avanti has given me. Again, thank you for giving me the guidance and training I need for my future success.
Joshua Whichard
Jennifer, I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me. The showcase was a awesome experience and I learned alot from it. None of us would be where we are today if it wasn't for the Avanti team. Jennifer, Bridget, Cheryl, Pat, Gray, all of you have tremendous hearts for what you have done. I can't express in words how grateful I am to have met you and work with you because it has been the best time of my life. My dream of becoming an actor/model is becoming true but still a lot of work to be done and I will take everything I have learned from all of you and use it. From the showcase, I got 6 callbacks and I have decided to sign with The Brock Agency. Even though I am done with the first part in my career with you guys, I will never forget any of you because I will always say, I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for Avanti. Thank you so much again and I will keep all of you posted on how my career is going and I wish all of you the best of luck in the future!!!!
Olivia Bayabona
I think this is one of the best investments I could have made for Olivia. Circumstances almost prevented her from participating but I felt that this opportunity had to be made despite any barriers. Her confidence and growth is clearly shown and I give credit to your agency for helping developing the person we see today. Thank you so much for the dedication and efforts.
Danika Adams
I learned and grew so much working with Avanti, and I'm quite thankful for every single experience. Doing this showcase was fulfilling in so many ways, and now I am signed and ready to act in everything I can. I've met so many people as well, and hope to work beside them again in the near future. Everyone was so talented, and we all grew in our skills. Avanti was certainly one of the most wonderful experiences I've had.
Lindsey Perry
A year ago I was afraid to slate my name for a class of five people, now I can confidently model and act in front of hundreds. Avanti has created numerous opportunities for me. Throughout my time with Avanti I learned more about myself and how to overcome obstacles along my journey to success in acting. It was really an experience of a life-time. Thanks to the showcase I will be signing with Maultsby Model & Talent Agency. I could not have made it this far without my friends and teachers at Avanti, thanks again for everything!
Alivia Correa
First of all me and my daughters Mariah & Alivia Correa would like to thank you so much for this great opportunity in being in the Avanti Showcase. Not only did they get many callbacks but they have learned so much in the last few months from you and the staff at Avanti. We are super excited about starting this new journey in life and it’s because of you that we can finally get started. You truly believe in all the talent and you work hard to make sure that they understand and that they work hard as well so they can achieve their goal. This has become a great experience for my girls and not only for them but for me as well. I was so nervous when I saw them on that big stage in front of all those people but they truly made me so proud that night and I want to Thank You because it was you that got them up there! So for all those new Avanti talent that may be wondering how the experience is I would like to say that it is truly an amazing experience in life!!!! And every single member of the Avanti staff is great! Thanks for everything you do.
Jeanne Correa
Alecia Shepard
What started out as an extra curricular activity turned into a life changing event. The doors that have opened are beyond our wildest dreams. Thanks, just doesn’t seem good enough. We are eternally grateful. Our future is brighter and can only get better because of all of you. I will always recommend Avanti as our way of giving back.
Sherry Ballentine
Being part of Avanti has truly awakened the artist in me. My desire to work in film and theater has grown to a high level of momentum. I must say it was all in the preparation. Attending the workshops and the rehearsals were key reasons things went so well for me. Avanti staff worked hard and encouraged the students to work hard and it paid off. Take what you want to achieve seriously, listen to those that can prepare you for the industry and believe in yourself. Thank you Avanti staff for being there every step of the way.
Susie De Los Santos
First and foremost, I would like to thank the entire Avanti staff for their constant advice and support. I will forever be grateful for Avanti and will continue to spread the work about their constant dedication to new talent. Thank you Jennifer, Gray, Pat, and Cheryl for all that you have done for me and my future!!
Dakota Lee
Thank you so much for the opportunity I was given. All the time, when I talk about living my dreams now in the industry with my friends, people always want to know how they could get into this as well, but when I think, there is nothing I can say, except go for the Avanti experience. Doors really opened, people remembered me and guess what; I had choices! Choices! How rare is that for a girl to just come into acting/ print and have choices of who she wants to go with? I am very pleased. I got 7 callbacks, and in the end decided to go with Maultsby. I am thrilled for my future to start, and I want to thank everyone with Avanti and John Casablancas for holding open my door. Signing off, but hoping to keep in contact.
Derrick Hunter
I would like to thank MTM and Avanti for giving me the training and opportunity to take the right steps in furthering my career. I would also like to thank Avanti for allowing me to participate in their showcase and letting me perform in front of the agencies and friends. I have to say that if you have the opportunity to be in a showcase to do it. It is a great chance to meet others who are as passionate about this industry as you are. Thank you again Jennifer and everyone at Avanti.
Ayana Ruffin
I LOVED the Avanti showcase, it was so much fun to meet everyone and make some really good friends along the way. Those months of hard working practices were really worth it in the end. I think it was a great way to open up a new window to my career! I will take what I learned and use it every day in my career. THANK YOU SO MUCH JENNIFER AND THE AVANTI STAFF!
Mariah Correa
First of all me and my daughters Mariah & Alivia Correa would like to thank you so much for this great opportunity in being in the Avanti Showcase. Not only did they get many callbacks but they have learned so much in the last few months from you and the staff at Avanti. We are super excited about starting this new journey in life and it’s because of you that we can finally get started. You truly believe in all the talent and you work hard to make sure that they understand and that they work hard as well so they can achieve their goal. This has become a great experience for my girls and not only for them but for me as well. I was so nervous when I saw them on that big stage in front of all those people but they truly made me so proud that night and I want to Thank You because it was you that got them up there! So for all those new Avanti talent that may be wondering how the experience is I would like to say that it is truly an amazing experience in life!!!! And every single member of the Avanti staff is great! Thanks for everything you do.
Jeanne Correa

Keegan Martin
When my daughter, Keegan, was chosen to work with Avanti, I didn't know what to expect. I knew how much she enjoyed working with John Casablancas and their wonderful staff and hoped that she would enjoy working with Avanti just as much. Our experience was even better than I could have imagine!
Although Keegan had to put a lot of work in, she loved every minute of it! The showcase was so amazing and there was so much thought and time put into every aspect of it. The staff was wonderful and they worked so well with all of the talent! Keegan was actually disappointed when it was over!
Keegan has gained so much confidence through this, so much that others have noticed the change. She ended up getting nine callbacks and is now getting ready to sign with an agent all because of this amazing opportunity! Thank you all so much for making this such a wonderful experience!
Tanijah Amani Carrington
My experience with Avanti was AWESOME! Now I’m off to become a professional model/actress. Jennifer, I want to thank you for everything you have done to help me get to where I am, I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for seeing something in me. I hope that you keep doing what you do for people that actually want to do something with modeling and acting! Thank you and the rest of the Avanti staff for helping me do what I do best.
Emma Lewis
I don’t think the word “thank you” is sufficient. You have helped create such confidence and self-esteem in Emma and God only knows how many others. So many of our youth these days struggle with these issues. Thank you for taking Emma under your wings and letting her fly! She has made so many friends and has had an experience she will never forget, all because of Avanti!
Shakarri Cunningham
We were so amazed at the Avanti showcase! Congratulations on a job well done by Avanti and all of the talent. We are so pleased with Shakarri's development in confidence and acting skills. She has learned great auditioning skills from her experience with Avanti. Thank you so much for your help in preparing Shakarri's career.
Katie Creech
Only a little over a year ago this was all just a DREAM and now today this is a REALITY!!! We would like to express our appreciation to all the Avanti staff for making our showcase possible. Jennifer, what a great opportunity you have opened for so many people in a hard industry. Thank you for taking my shy 14 yr old daughter and giving her the knowledge, experience and confidence to perform in front of 600 people. Thank you for all the great times, good memories and all the hard work!
Hailey Green
I would like to say thank you for all of your hard work and long hours you have put into preparing me for the Avanti showcase, which has opened a world of opportunities for me. I have learned so much about the industry and about myself through working with such friendly and knowledgeable individuals at Avanti. I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for all of the long rehearsal and tiresome workshops provided by Avanti and JC center. With all of your guidance and professionalism I am now able to start this new chapter in my life and look forward to a promising future. Once again, thank you for all of your help.
Nicole Ostrander
A year ago I would have never seen myself in the position I am now. Through you I’ve discovered a passion and enjoyment in acting and modeling. Your patience and kindness has meant so much, and getting to know you all on a personal level has been a wonderful experience. I appreciate all the time you’ve put into preparing me for greater steps in this industry.
Emma Claris
How can I thank you enough! From the first day my parents and I went to John Casablancas we thought what a dream it would be to get signed by Elite NY – and here we are actually living it! The confidence that I learned through John Casablancas and Avanti will be with me forever. I am very excited about my future.
Brett Baker
These past six months have been the most memorable, enjoyable, and nerve-racking six months I have ever experienced. With your help I have had the opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream. Only with your support and amazing work could I have ever fulfilled this dream. I can’t say enough about Jennifer and how great she is for leading and guiding me through this life changing experience.
Leilani Vasquez
I want to thank the whole staff, thank you for helping Leilani make her dream come true. Your team worked arduously to get this show going, and showed great professionalism even through the tough times. The Avanti team did a great job of preparing all the participants, and the show was a masterpiece. The amount of confidence she gained in so little time is priceless. Thank you! Keep up the good work and keep putting North Carolina on the map.
Cecilia Nwosu
This is one thing in life that I will never forget. The thing that changed my life tremendously. Working with you all gave me a great experience of a lifetime. I really learned so much by working with you guys. This showcase has helped me alot, I really got exposed, which is one thing that I was hoping for. The showcase was great, it got me prepared for further down the road. Avanti taught me how things are suppose to operate in the acting business. Their training is something that can not be found anywhere else. I really think that I made a good decision by working with Avanti, they showed me that I could be more than what I am now. I would like to thank each and everyone of them for that. Now that the showcase is over, its given me a sense of what things are going to be like in the future. Thank you so much for getting me ready for the future. Just wait to see my face on the movie screens. Again, thanks so much, there is nowhere else I would recommend a person to go other than AVANTI!
Robert Lindle
Thanks to all of you at Avanti. All of your efforts and hard work proved themselves with the results of this showcase. The showcase in it by its self was AWESOME! It is no wonder Avanti is so well known for its quality, style, and professionalism in this very competitive business. I, Robert, loved every minute of it and want to thank each of you for all your efforts and professional advice.
Lindsey Myers
Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into the Avanti Spring Showcase. Lindsey had such a wonderful time and learned so much from you and the other beautiful and talented people in the showcase. She has confidence, poise and loves to “WORK” the runway. Lindsey had many offers but we chose to sign with Kitty at Elite. I see a bright future for Lindsey and its all because of Avanti. Thanks to everyone (Bridget, Gray, Pat, Cheryl) but a BIG thanks to Jennifer…YOU ROCK!
Emily Richardson
I would like to thank you and everybody at the Fall Avanti Showcase for a wonderful and very educational experience. We had such a great time and met so many wonderful people. Emily learned so much and has really gained a lot of confidence which will help her in the modeling career. Thank you for giving her the opportunity to participate after being with you for such a short time.
Pierce Freelon
My experience with Avanti was one I will never forget. We trained and rehearsed for the showcase and our hard work really showed. With the aid of some great pictures taken from my photo shoot at Wrightsville Beach, I was able to impress the talent scouts and representatives into close to a dozen callbacks. The showcase was a great opportunity to display my talent to some of the top agencies in our state. Thanks Avanti!
Katelyn Hill
I just want to thank the Avanti Staff for all that you did to help me prepare for the spring showcase! Working with Avanti helped me each month for this very important event. I am hoping for a very successful career! I will never forget you four awesome people. You certainly have opened up opportunities that I have been dream about since I was a little girl. I love y’all (I just had to remind you that I am a true southern girl!) Thank you again for all you’ve done!
Lacon Walker
Where do I start as I write this letter, I could almost cry, all my dreams I've wanted are coming true but at the same time I will miss the dear friends I've made in each and everyone of you. Jennifer you are the best teacher I know. I love you to death, hope you know that. Gray you make everyone look like movie stars when you take their pictures and Cheryl and Pat, you guys are the bomb!
Ron Fazio
I am writing to tell you that my experience with Avanti leading up to the showcase was simply amazing! Being from New York and knowing how hard it is just to get “seen,” I want to thank you for providing “THE WHOLE PACKAGE.” With you, I was able to gain experience in writing a monologue, walking the runway, and ultimately, performing that monologue in front of some of the best talent agents in the country. The Showcase was an unbelievable exciting experience, one which I’ll never forget. I appreciate this chance to pursue acting…and that’s what you provide….A CHANCE at pursing dreams with the applicable training to go along with it. I would strongly recommend Avanti to any aspirating model or actor in North Carolina….YOU DO IT RIGHT!
Ashlie Evans
First let me take the time to thank you and your staff for all of their hard work. You were all very helpful, positive and honest, even when it wasn’t what she wanted to hear. Ashlie learned so much from all of you guys. Her self confidence is high, she's very comfortable in front of large crowds and she has learned to handle herself like a true professional. She will carry these skills with her through out her life in everything she does.
Priscilla Silva
When I began writing this letter I felt as if I was saying goodbye to friends that have been a part of my life over the past few months. You have been, in addition to professionals, someone who treated me with kindness and patience. I appreciate the amazing experience and the good times that we shared together, and I know that this will be a part of a new beginning.
Ilir Rexhepi
First of all, I want to thank all of you guys for the great opportunity that you gave me and for believing in me. Even with my experience in Italy as a model, I was still impressed with the show. I believe in it just as everyone else believed in it and as a result, I was signed with a few agencies and I decided to sign a contract with Marilyn's, with whom I am now working with.
Ashton Gunlock
First I would like to say thank you to each one of you for all of your love and support in me and everyone else that was in the showcase. I’m so grateful, thankful, and blessed to have an opportunity like this because I know a lot of people would kill to have just one chance at this experience. This showcase was by far the most fun I’ve ever had in my life and I would not have wanted to do this with anybody else but Avanti. I have to say this experience with Avanti will always be in my heart.
Johnathon Jackson
Due to a lot of dedication from you and myself, the Avanti showcase has been such a great adventure! This experience has given me confidence, courage, and inspiration for the future. Thank you all for playing a major roll in me being successful and helping me reach my dreams! None of this would have been possible without you! To whom ever is interested in becoming a model or actor or both Avanti is my very first, top of the list recommendation! Again, thank you so much for the chances you have brought upon me.
Kelsey Evans
I would like to thank you and your entire staff for the last eight months. I had so much fun in preparing for the Avanti Spring Showcase. You and your staff went to extreme lengths to work and prepare all of us for the big event ahead. A lot of memories I hold from the rehearsal days to fashion shows, to special guests telling us to “smile and swing those arms.” I’m very happy to say that I have signed exclusively with ELITE and I’m looking forward to the months ahead. Thank you for all of your guidance and the GREAT DOOR OPENER into modeling.
Victor Morrison
I would like to thank you and your staff for all of the hard work and dedication in giving me the opportunity of making my dream come true in pursuing acting and modeling. Avanti has taught me a lot in getting myself prepared for this wonderful business. I have learned how to be patient with others and stay competitive in everything that I do. This business is really competitive and involves a lot of training and talent. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for the people at Avanti who believed in me.
Joan Brookes
WOW, where do I begin to express a heartfelt thank you for a memorable and exciting year. I am still on cloud nine that I was selected by thirteen agents. I would have never known where to begin in pursuing my career in North Carolina, if it had not been for Avanti and the Avanti Showcase. Even though I've had a forty year career in the modeling field, I am now at a higher level and have reached a life long dream. Jennifer, Gray, Cheryl, Pat, and Bridget, you all are true professionals in your field and it was great working with you. Thank you for all your hard work.